Mark Sheridan Academy is a magnet school that focuses on science, math and overall academic excellence, while integrating a fine arts and technology curriculum. Sheridan is committed to increasing student achievement, including high school advanced placement, as well as its advanced programs through its comprehensive Specific Aptitude Program in science and math.
Mark Sheridan Academy has been recognized as a Spotlight School by the Illinois State Board of Education, A School of Distinction by the Chicago Public Schools and A National Title I Distinguished School as well as one of the most diverse schools in the state of Illinois by Niche. |
MSA In One Word |
Virtual Backpack |
ResourcesHealth Screener Online Payments Supply Lists Gym Uniforms (Please enter grade level if homeroom is unknown) MSA YMCA Program |
Parent Resources |
Contact SheridanMark Sheridan Math & Science Academy
533 West 27th Street, Chicago IL 60616 Tel: 773.534.9120 || Fax: 773.534.9124 Principal: John P. O'Connell || [email protected] |